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yab example program: Teditor, a yab text editor in 130 lines of code

I could squeeze this down to 100 lines, but readability would suffer. your browser will probably wrap some of the longer lines.

[Image: teditor_ss_med.png]


############# Prologue #############

ProgramName$ = "Teditor"

AuthorName$ = "Joe Bloggs"

ProgramVersion$ = "V0.1"

ProgramBriefDescription$ = "My unbelievable first yab program."

ProgramLicense$ = "Public Domain"

ProgramAcknowledgements$ ="With thanks to Michel Clasquin-Johnson for writing Teditor and to  Marc-Oliver Ihm, Jan Bungeroth and Jim Saxton for creating yab!"

//*****Global Variables****

## Technically, yab does not require you to declare global variables, it just is a really, really good idea to do it anyway.

// set DEBUG = 1 to print out all messages on the console


//change this to DEBUG = 0 when you are ready to bind the program for distribution


#######End of Prologue#######

############# Main Message Loop #############

dim msg$(1)

while(not leavingLoop)

    nCommands = token(message$, msg$(), "|")

    for everyCommand = 1 to nCommands

        if(DEBUG and msg$(everyCommand)<>"") print msg$(everyCommand)


            case "_QuitRequested":

            case "MainWindow:_QuitRequested":

            case "MainWindow:File:Quit":

                leavingLoop = true


            case "MainWindow:File:Save":



            case "MainWindow:File:New":



            case "MainWindow:File:Open":



            case "MainWindow:Edit:Undo/Redo":

                textedit set "EditSpace", "undo"


            case "MainWindow:Edit:Cut":

                textedit set "EditSpace", "cut"


            case "MainWindow:Edit:Copy":

                textedit set "EditSpace", "copy"


            case "MainWindow:Edit:Paste":

                textedit set "EditSpace", "paste"


            case "MainWindow:Edit:Select All":

                textedit set "EditSpace", "select-all"


            case "MainWindow:Help:About":

                Alert ProgramName$ + " " + ProgramVersion$ + "\n" + "by " + AuthorName$ +"\n\n" + ProgramBriefDescription$ + "\n" + ProgramLicense$ + "\n" + ProgramAcknowledgements$, "OK", "none"



        end switch

    next everyCommand




#######End of Main Loop#######

sub CloseWindow()

    //Close down the main window


    window close "MainWindow"

end sub

sub MakeMenu()

    //Create menu in MainWindow

    menu "File", "Quit", "Q", "MainWindow"

    menu "File", "New", "N", "MainWindow"

    menu "File", "Open", "O", "MainWindow"

    menu "File", "Save", "S", "MainWindow"

    menu "Edit", "Undo/Redo", "Z", "MainWindow"

    menu "Edit", "Cut", "X", "MainWindow"

    menu "Edit", "Copy", "Z", "MainWindow"

    menu "Edit", "Paste", "Z", "MainWindow"

    menu "Edit", "Select All", "A", "MainWindow"

    menu "Help", "About", "", "MainWindow"

end sub

sub NewFile()

    local sos

    if  textedit get$ "EditSpace" <> "" then

        sos = alert "Save Current Text First?", "Yes", "No", "", "none"

        if sos = 1 SaveFile()

        textedit clear "EditSpace"


end sub

sub OpenFile()

    local file2open$, anewline$


    file2open$ = filepanel "load-file", "Open Which File?", "/boot/home"

    if file2open$ <> "" then

        open file2open$ for reading as #1


            line input #1 anewline$

            textedit add  "EditSpace", anewline$ + "\n"


        close #1

        textedit set "EditSpace", "gotoline", 1


end sub

sub OpenWindow()

    //Setup the main window here

    window open 100,100 to 600,500, "MainWindow", "Teditor"

    textedit 0,20 to 499, 399, "EditSpace", 3, "MainWindow"

     textedit set "EditSpace", "wordwrap", 0


end sub

sub SaveFile()

    local file2save$, filename$

    file2save$ = textedit get$ "EditSpace"

    if file2save$ <> "" then

        filename$ = filepanel "save-file", "Save File As ...", "/boot/home"

        if filename$= "" return

        open filename$ for writing as #1

        print #1 file2save$

        close #1


end sub
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