12-29-2015, 01:42 PM
This little desktop applet will appear on my repo soon with source included. I post it here just to give people an example of yab in action. It uses a 3rd-party python script called fuzzy_time.py, which you can get from SourceForge, and wraps a minimalist GUI around it.
It took me about two to three hours to write, and I'm sure that shows in the quality of the code There are too manyglobal variables, the capitalization of variables is inconsistent ... works, though.
Ouch! that case statement "case "MainWindow:Help:About":" should not be in there.
It took me about two to three hours to write, and I'm sure that shows in the quality of the code There are too manyglobal variables, the capitalization of variables is inconsistent ... works, though.
#!/bin/env yab
############# Prologue #############
//Yabadabbadoo notification
########DO NOT RENAME THIS FILE!########
//Yabadabbadoo needs it to function.
//ProgramName$ = "FuzzyTime"
//AuthorName$ = "Michel Clasquin-Johnson <clasqm@gmail.com>"
//ProgramVersion$ = "V0.1"
//ProgramBriefDescription$ = "Displays the date and time in \"fuzzy\" format."
//ProgramLicense$ = "Public Domain"
//ProgramAcknowledgements$ ="With thanks to Chris Tsai for fuzzy_time.py"
//*****Global Variables****
## Technically, yab does not require you to declare global variables,
##It just is a really, really good idea to do it anyway.
// set DEBUG = 1 to print out all messages on the console
//change this to DEBUG = 0 when you are ready to bind the program for distribution
//see if a settings file exist. If so, read positions
open #1,"/boot/home/config/settings/FuzzyTime.settings", "a": close #1 //create the file if it does not exist
open "/boot/home/config/settings/FuzzyTime.settings" for reading as #1
line input #1 across
line input #1 updown
close #1
if across = 0 or updown = 0 then //ie if the settings file was empty
across = 100
updown = 100
xwidth = 150
yheight = 75
acrossend = across + xwidth
updownend = updown + yheight
######Preliminary Commands#####
## Commands to run before the Main Loop come here.
## e.g. setting up a window with a menu.
#######End of Prologue#######
//Yabadabbadoo notification
########DO NOT RENAME THIS FILE!########
//Yabadabbadoo needs it to function.
//Main Message Loop
dim msg$(1)
while(not leavingLoop)
nCommands = token(message$, msg$(), "|")
for everyCommand = 1 to nCommands
if(DEBUG and msg$(everyCommand)<>"") print msg$(everyCommand)
case "_QuitRequested":
case "MainWindow:_QuitRequested":
case "MainWindow:Help:About":
Alert ProgramName$ + " " + ProgramVersion$ + "\n" + "by " + AuthorName$ +"\n\n" + ProgramBriefDescription$ + "\n" + ProgramLicense$ + "\n" + ProgramAcknowledgements$, "OK", "none"
end switch
next everyCommand
if GetTiming() - IntervalStart >DefaultInterval then
IntervalStart = GetTiming()
sub Ask2Leave()
local getout
getout= Alert "Do you want to Quit FuzzyTime?","Quit","Cancel","","Warning"
switch getout
case 1
across=Window Get "MainWindow", "Position-X"
updown=Window Get "MainWindow", "Position-Y"
open "/boot/home/config/settings/FuzzyTime.settings" for writing as #1
print #1 across
print #1 updown
close #1
end switch
end sub
sub CheckMouse()
local mouse$, num, w$(5)
mouse$ = MOUSE MESSAGE$ ("MainWindow")
num=token(mouse$, w$(), ":")
if w$(5)<>"0" Ask2Leave()
if w$(3)<>"0" MoveWindow()
wait 0.1 // avoid flickering
end sub
sub CloseWindow()
//Close down the main window
window close "MainWindow"
end sub
sub GetTiming()
local num, w$(4)
return val(w$(4))
end sub
sub MoveWindow()
if moving= 0 then
window set "MainWindow", "look", "bordered"
moving = 1
if moving = 1 then
window set "MainWindow", "look", "floating"
moving = 0
end sub
sub OpenWindow()
window open across,updown to acrossend, updownend, "MainWindow", "FuzzyTime"
window set "MainWindow", "look", "bordered"
window set "MainWindow", "Flags", "Accept-First-Click"
window set "MainWindow", "Flags", "not-resizable"
window set "MainWindow", "Flags", "not-zoomable"
Window set "MainWindow", "Workspace", "All"
redc=255: greenc=250: bluec=170
for f = yheight/2 to 0 step -1
draw set "highcolor", redc, greenc, bluec, "MainWindow"
draw line 0, f to xwidth,f, "MainWindow"
greenc=greenc-1: bluec = bluec -4
next f
redc=255: greenc=250: bluec=170
for f = yheight/2 to yheight
draw set "highcolor", redc, greenc, bluec, "MainWindow"
draw line 0, f to xwidth,f, "MainWindow"
greenc=greenc-1: bluec = bluec -4
next f
draw set "highcolor", 0,0,0, "MainWindow"
Tooltip "MainWindow", "Left-click to move,\nor right-click to Quit."
textedit 5, 5 to xwidth -5, yheight -5, "TimeBox", 0, "MainWindow"
textedit set "TimeBox", "wordwrap", true
textedit set "TimeBox", "editable", false
textedit color "TimeBox", "bgcolor", 255,250,170
Tooltip "TimeBox", "Left-click BORDER to move,\nor right-click BORDER to Quit."
end sub
sub PrintTime()
local the_time$
the_time$ = system$("fuzzy_time.py")
the_time$ = left$(the_time$,len(the_time$)-1) //strip off trailing newline
textedit clear "TimeBox"
textedit add "TimeBox", the_time$
end sub
###DATA statements, if any, come here###
Ouch! that case statement "case "MainWindow:Help:About":" should not be in there.