More spinner stuff.
I added a slinner to a Filebox.

FileboxDemo.yab ( minor changes)


import spinner
import Filebox_spin

dir$ = "/boot/home/"

window open 100,100 to 500,500, "Demo",dir$
Window set "Demo","flags","Not-Zoomable Not-Resizable"
Filebox(10,20,350,385,"Filebox", 1, "Demo")
button 10,0,32,20, "DirUp", "..", "Demo"
FileboxDirectory("Filebox", dir$, true)

dim msg$(1)
inloop = true
        n = split(message$, msg$(), "|")
    for i=1 to n
        print msg$(i)
        // Quit
        if(msg$(i) = "Demo:_QuitRequested") inloop = false

        // Button pressed and we are not in the root directory
        if(msg$(i) = "DirUp" and dir$"/") then
            t = len(dir$)-1
                t = t - 1
            dir$ = left$(dir$,t)
            WINDOW SET "Demo", "Title", dir$
            FileboxDirectory("Filebox", dir$, false)

        // An item is invoked
        if(instr(msg$(i),"Filebox:_Invoke:")) then
            position = val(right$(msg$(i),len(msg$(i))-16))

            // if the item is a directory, then update the filebox else print the filename
            if(FileboxIsDirectory("Filebox", position,dir$)) then
                dir$ = dir$ + FileboxName$("Filebox", position) + "/"
                WINDOW SET "Demo", "Title", dir$
                FileboxDirectory("Filebox", dir$, true)
                print dir$+FileboxName$("Filebox", position)
    next i
        sleep 0.01

window close "Demo"

Filebox_spin.yab (modified Filebox.yab library file)

// Filebox is a library to have an easy access to a list of files.
// This is easier than poking around with columnboxes yourself.

// Open a new filebox from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
// with the id ID$, the type of scrollbar ScrollbarType on View$
export sub Filebox(x1,y1,x2,y2, ID$, ScrollbarType, View$)
    local myscrollbar
    columnbox x1,y1 to x2,y2, ID$, ScrollbarType, "resizable", View$
    columnbox column ID$, " ", 1, 20, 20, 20, "align-center"
    if(scrollbarType=1 or scrollbarType=3) myscrollbar = peek("scrollbarwidth")
    columnbox column ID$, "Name", 2, 1000, 21, x2-x1-24-myscrollbar, "align-left"
    columnbox color ID$, "Selection-Active", 220,220,250
        columnbox color ID$, "Row-Divider", 255,255,255
        new_spinner(x2-12,y2-12,12,12, ID$, View$)
end sub

// Easy interface to a Filebox, simply name a directory
export sub FileboxDirectorySimple(ID$, dir$)
end sub

// return the name of the row position
export sub FileboxName$(ID$, position)
    return columnbox get$ ID$, 2, position
end sub

// return true, if the row position is a directory
export sub FileboxIsDirectory(ID$, position,dir$)
    local t$
    t$ = columnbox get$ ID$, 2, position
    print "t$ "+t$
    //if(t$ =  "__Path__="+path$+Name$"__Mime__=application/x-vnd.Be-directory") return true
    if(system("test -d \""+ dir$+t$+"\"") = 0) system("addattr -t mime BEOS:TYPE application/x-vnd.Be-directory \""+dir$+t$+"\"") : return true
    return false
end sub

// Give a directory and the following options:
// showDot: set this to true to show hidden (dot) files
export sub FileboxDirectory(ID$, dir$, showDot)
    local t$
    local i
    local n
    local arraysizeDir
    local arraysizeFiles

    dim directories$(1)
    dim files$(1)

    arraysizeDir = 0
    arraysizeFiles = 0

    columnbox clear ID$
    if(showDot) then
        t$ = system$("ls --format=single-column --color=none -aF \""+dir$+"\" |sort -f")
        t$ = system$("ls --format=single-column --color=none -F \""+dir$+"\" |sort -f")

    dim splitdir$(1)
    n = split(t$, splitdir$(), "\n")
    for i=1 to n-1
    if n=spin spin(ID$):spin=spin+10
                //print dir$+splitdir$(i)
                //print dir$+splitdir$(i)
                if  (right$(splitdir$(i),1)="/") then
               //if(system("test -d \""+ dir$+splitdir$(i)+"\"") = 0) then
                        // comment the if clause out if you want to have the direcotries "." and ".." listed
                        if(splitdir$(i)<>"./" and splitdir$(i)<>"../") then
                            arraysizeDir = arraysizeDir + 1
                            dim directories$(arraysizeDir)
                            splitdir$(i) = left$(splitdir$(i),len( splitdir$(i))-1)
                            directories$(arraysizeDir-1) = splitdir$(i)
                // handle files
                        arraysizeFiles = arraysizeFiles + 1
                        dim files$(arraysizeFiles)
                        if right$(splitdir$(i),1)="*" then
                            files$(arraysizeFiles-1) = left$(splitdir$(i), len(splitdir$(i)) -1)
                        elseif right$(splitdir$(i),1)="@" then
                            files$(arraysizeFiles-1) = left$(splitdir$(i), len(splitdir$(i)) -1)
                            files$(arraysizeFiles-1) = splitdir$(i)
    next i
    for i=0 to arraysizeDir-1
        FileboxAdd(ID$, directories$(i), true,dir$)
    next i
    for i=0 to arraysizeFiles-1
        FileboxAdd(ID$, files$(i), false,dir$)
    next i
end sub

sub FileboxAdd(ID$, Name$, IsFolder, path$)
    local maxpos

    maxpos = (columnbox count ID$) + 1
    if(IsFolder) then
        columnbox add ID$, 1, maxpos, 18, "__SmIC__="+path$+Name$
        columnbox add ID$, 1, maxpos, 18, "__SmIC__="+path$+Name$
        //columnbox add ID$, 1, maxpos, 18, "__Mime__=application/octet-stream"
    columnbox add ID$, 2, maxpos, 20, Name$
    columnbox select ID$, 1
    columnbox select ID$, 0
end sub

[Image: Filebox-spinner.png]

Note the spinner in the lower right. It only shows as the file listing is being filled.

Messages In This Thread
More spinner stuff. - by bbjimmy - 05-16-2016, 12:29 PM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by clasqm - 05-17-2016, 03:28 AM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by bbjimmy - 05-17-2016, 01:40 PM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by clasqm - 05-18-2016, 07:58 AM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by clasqm - 05-18-2016, 09:48 AM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by bbjimmy - 05-18-2016, 10:49 AM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by clasqm - 05-18-2016, 12:56 PM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by bbjimmy - 05-18-2016, 02:31 PM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by bbjimmy - 05-18-2016, 10:08 PM
RE: More spinner stuff. - by clasqm - 05-19-2016, 08:03 AM

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