Preparing yab apps for distribution.
When packaging a yab-app for distribution it is best to give your app its own app Application Signature.

From the IDE, replace application/x-vnd.yab-app with application/x-vnd.uourappname when using the Buildfactory.

From the command-line., use:

BuildFactory.yab  outputfile inputfile application/x-vnd.uourappname

This will allow your app to not be hidden in the Deskbar application listing by another yab-app.

Make an RDEF file for your app.

This is a plane text file that defines resources for an application. In this case, we want to add an icon and application version information as shown in the FileType tracker add-on applet.

An example rdef file:

resource vector_icon {

resource app_signature "application/x-vnd.yab-IDE";

resource app_version {
    major  = 2,
    middle = 2,
    minor  = 5,

    variety = B_APPV_FINAL,
    internal = 0,

    short_info = "yab IDE",
    long_info = "An integrated development environment for yab."

resource app_flags 1;

The vector icon info is generated by Icon-O-Matic when an icon is exported as "HVIF RDef"

Replace "resource(<your resource id here>) #'VICN' array" with "resource vector_icon"

The resource app_signature should match your "application/x-vnd.uourappname"

resource app_version is the version number information.

resource app_flags is the launch flag, Single launch, Multiple launch, etc.

Use the RdefApply yab script included in the /boot/home/yab_work/BuildFactory directory.


RdefApply <RdefFilename> <yourappbinary>
This will apply the Rdef to your compiled binary.

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Preparing yab apps for distribution. - by bbjimmy - 07-02-2015, 12:46 PM

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