yab | yet another Basic for HAIKU

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It's a reference manager, like Endnote or Mendeley. I spent a day on the interface and I'm pretty happy with it now, but it doesn't DO anything yet. When it does, it will work like People, with each entry a zero-byte file and all the data in extended attributes.

[Image: screenshot2.png]

I'm not releasing any more software until there is a stable beta of Haiku to test against, but I may be calling on my buddies here to do some testing ... :-)
This is my latest project:
[Image: screenshot3.png]
I have it saving records but edit etc isn't there yet.
The thought struck me ... an OS called Haiku should be able to ... write a haiku.

So I slapped together a CLI utility along the lines of fortune. No deep semantic analysis involved, I'm afraid, just a rearrangement of words in the required 5 - 7 - 5 syllable patterns. Occasionally it sounds as if there is a poet inside the computer trying to break out. Far more often, it looks like the computer is populated by Vogons. But, it is a haiku. In compiled form, you can pipe the output like any self-respecting *NIX utility.

That was easy enough. What is taking up time is adding sufficient words to its database to prevent the haikus becoming repetitious. When that is done, I'll put up a link.

I haven't tried it yet, but the code should work in yabasic for windows or Linux.
A game I used to play on the Tandy Color computer called Doubleback that was never ported to any other computer. Now being re-programmed in a work-alike in yab:

[Image: loopback.png]

The gameplay is working, now to get the points and set it up for one or two player games.
It's getting better.
[Image: LoopDLoop.png]

[Image: LoopDLoop1.png]
I have spent two months cleaning up my repo. Phew! Still coming across anomalies and errors, but it now is more or less where I want it to be. Time to get back to real programming.

I'll get back to my reference manager. It's a big job, though. In the meantime, I need a smaller project to get back in the saddle.

I'm looking into a font manager. I have a lot of font packages on my repo. Some of those are just drop-in replacements for Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman. I'm not interested in those. If you need those fonts, you will install them and leave them in place.

No, it's the fancy font for a poster or a flyer that concerns me here. Typically you use those once, and then they just take up space on the HD. So I am thinking of a specialized package manager just for those fonts. Pick a font, install it and when you are done, remove it again, all via the Haiku package management setup. Obviously it needs some sort of preview facility. Will post screenshots when I have them.

Later: screenshot here
(07-06-2016, 01:43 PM)clasqm Wrote: [ -> ]I'm looking into a font manager.

I'm pretty happy with this. Needs my libclasqm libraries package.

The hpkg is downloadable on Beshare when I'm online. I'll update my repo this weekend. The Advent pro font will be uploaded then too, so until then, the app will fail (but not crash) if you try to load that particular font.

#!/bin/env yab
############# Prologue #############

#########Compile-time Dependencies############
#########Run-time Dependencies############

//Yabadabbadoo notification
########DO NOT RENAME THIS FILE!########
//Yabadabbadoo needs it to function.

##Fill in these fields with your own particulars.
##The variables will be used in the About Box and in naming the program.

ProgramName$ = "FontMonkey"
AuthorName$ = "Michel Clasquin-Johnson"
ProgramVersion$ = "V0.1.1"
ProgramBriefDescription$ = "A program to preview, load and unload fonts from the clasqm repo.\n\nThis program does not manage fonts like the Liberation, SIL or Libertine families that are meant to be drop-in replacements for Courier, Arial or Times New Roman. It also does not touch the standard Haiku fonts.\n\nIt is specifically for odd, unusual and display fonts that you need to install for a specific project and then remove from your system when they are no longer needed.\n"
ProgramLicense$ = "Public Domain software"
ProgramAcknowledgements$ ="With thanks to the font creators on www.1001fonts.com and elsewhere."

//*****Global Variables****

## Technically, yab does not require you to declare global variables,
##It just is a really, really good idea to do it anyway.
// set DEBUG = 1 to print out all messages on the console
//change this to DEBUG = 0 when you are ready to bind the program for distribution
import libclasqm_main
path$ = WhereAmI$()
downloadname$ = ""

######Preliminary Commands#####

## Commands to run before the Main Loop come here.
## e.g. setting up a window with a menu.


#######End of Prologue#######

//Yabadabbadoo notification
########DO NOT RENAME THIS FILE!########
//Yabadabbadoo needs it to function.

//Main Message Loop
dim msg$(1)
while(not leavingLoop)
    nCommands = token(message$, msg$(), "|")
    for everyCommand = 1 to nCommands
        if(DEBUG and msg$(everyCommand)<>"") print msg$(everyCommand)
            case "_QuitRequested"
            case "MainWindow:_QuitRequested"
            case "MainWindow:File:Quit"
                leavingLoop = true
            case "PreviewWindow:_QuitRequested"
                window close "PreviewWindow"
            case "MainWindow:Help:About"
                Alert ProgramName$ + " " + ProgramVersion$ + "\n" + "by " + AuthorName$ +"\n\n" + ProgramBriefDescription$ + "\n" + ProgramLicense$ + "\n" + ProgramAcknowledgements$, "OK", "none"
            case "InstallButton"
                system("/boot/system/apps/Terminal pkgman install " + downloadname$)
                if window get "PreviewWindow", "exists" <> 0 CheckFontStatus()
            case "UnInstallButton"
                if CheckLocalInstallation() = 1 then
                    system("/boot/system/apps/Terminal pkgman uninstall " + downloadname$)
                    if window get "PreviewWindow", "exists" <> 0 CheckFontStatus()
        end switch
        if left$((msg$(everyCommand)), 17) = "FontList:_Select:" then
            MakePreview(mid$((msg$(everyCommand)), 18))
    next everyCommand



sub CheckConnection()
    local connected, connected$, getout
    view 0,0 to 142,400, "PrelimView", "MainWindow"
    textedit 0,0 to 142,400, "PrelimText", 0, "PrelimView"
    textedit color "PrelimText", "bgcolor", 185,185,185
    textedit set "PrelimText", "editable", 0
    textedit add "PrelimText", "Welcome to\n"
    textedit add "PrelimText", "FontMonkey.\n\n"
    textedit add "PrelimText", "Running checks ...\n\n"
    //check if we are running on a modern version of haiku
    textedit add "PrelimText", "Checking Haiku  ...\n"
    if FileExists("/boot/system/bin/pkgman") then
        textedit add "PrelimText", "OK, pkgman found.\n\n"
        pause 0.1
        alert "This does not look like a Haiku installation with package management.", "OK", "warning"
        return 1
    close #1
    //check if the system font folder exists
    textedit add "PrelimText", "Checking fonts  ...\n"
    if FileExists("/boot/system/data/fonts") then
        textedit add "PrelimText", "OK, fonts found.\n\n"
        pause 0.1
        alert "It looks like this Haiku installation is damaged - no system font folder was found.", "OK", "warning"
        return 1
    close #1
    //check if internet connection is live by pinging a google server
    while(connected = 0)
        textedit add "PrelimText", "Checking internet  ...\n"
        connected$=system$("ping -c 1")
        if instr(connected$, "64 bytes from") = 0 then
            getout = alert "Internet connection is required for this program. Please switch on your connection", "OK","Quit","","warning"
            if getout = 2 return 1
            textedit add "PrelimText", "OK, connected.\n\n"
            connected =1
            pause 0.1
    //check if my repo is loaded
    connected = 0
    while(connected = 0)
        textedit add "PrelimText", "Checking repo ...\n"
        connected$ = system$("pkgman list-repos")
        if instr(connected$, "clasqm's repo") = 0 then
            getout = alert "This program requires that the clasqm repository be added to your repo list. Proceed?", "OK","Quit","","warning"
            if getout = 2 then
                return 1
                system("pkgman add-repo clasquin-johnson.co.za/michel/repo")
            textedit add "PrelimText", "OK, repo found.\n\n"
            connected = 1
            pause 0.5
    view remove "PrelimView"
    return 0
end sub

sub CheckFontStatus()
    local installedpkgs$
    if window get "PreviewWindow", "exists" = 0  return //program will crash if buttons do not exist
    option set "InstallButton", "enabled", 0
    option set "UnInstallButton", "enabled", 0
    installedpkgs$ = system$("ls -1 /boot/system/packages/*.hpkg")
    installedpkgs$ = installedpkgs$ + system$("ls -1 /boot/home/config/packages/*.hpkg")
    if instr(installedpkgs$, downloadname$) = 0 then
        option set "InstallButton", "enabled", 1
        option set "UnInstallButton", "enabled", 1
end sub

sub CheckLocalInstallation()
//pkgman can only uninstall from /boot/system/packages ATM
//locally installed packages must be removed manually
//which is how they got there in the first place, so ...
local installedpkgs$
    installedpkgs$ = system$("ls -1 /boot/home/config/packages/*.hpkg")
    if instr(installedpkgs$, downloadname$) = 0 then
        return 0
        alert "The package " + downloadname$ + " appears to be installed in /boot/home/config/packages. You need to remove it manually. Tracker will now display this folder.", "OK", "warning"
        system("/boot/system/Tracker /boot/home/config/packages")
        if window get "PreviewWindow", "exists" =1 window close "PreviewWindow"
        return 1
end sub

sub CloseWindow()
    //close down the preview window if it exists
    if window get "PreviewWindow", "exists" <> 0 window close "PreviewWindow"
    //Close down the main window
    window close "MainWindow"
end sub

sub MakeMenu()
    //Create menu in MainWindow
    menu "File", "Quit", "Q", "MainWindow"
    menu "Help", "About", "", "MainWindow"
end sub

sub MakePreview(fontnumber$)
    local fullfontname$,fontname$, previewgrfx$,errcode
    fullfontname$ = listbox get$ "FontList", val(fontnumber$)
    downloadname$= fontname$ + "font"
    previewgrfx$ =  path$ + "/previews/" + fontname$
    if FileExists(previewgrfx$) = 0 previewgrfx$ =  path$ + "/previews/default"
    close #1
    errcode = bitmap image previewgrfx$, "FontPreview"
    if window get "PreviewWindow", "exists" = 0 then
        window open 280, 100 to 792, 386, "PreviewWindow", ""
        button 50,259 to 251,283, "InstallButton", "Install this font", "PreviewWindow"
        button 261,259 to 462,283, "UnInstallButton", "Remove this font", "PreviewWindow"
        option set "InstallButton", "enabled", 0
        option set "UnInstallButton", "enabled", 0
        window set "PreviewWindow", "flags", "not-resizable"
        window set "PreviewWindow", "look", "floating"
        window set "PreviewWindow", "flags", "not-zoomable"
    window set "PreviewWindow", "title", "Preview of " + fullfontname$
    draw bitmap 0,0, "FontPreview", "copy", "PreviewWindow"
    bitmap remove "FontPreview"
end sub

sub OpenWindow()
    //Setup the main window here
    window open 100,100 to 242,500, "MainWindow", "Font Selector"
    window set "MainWindow", "flags", "not-resizable"
    window set "MainWindow", "flags", "not-zoomable"
    if CheckConnection() then
        leavingLoop =1
    listbox 0,20 to 141,399, "FontList", 1, "MainWindow"
end sub

sub ParsePreviewName$(inputname$)
    local outputname$
    for f = 1 to len(inputname$)
        if mid$(inputname$, f,1) <> " " then
            outputname$ = outputname$ + mid$(inputname$, f,1)
    next f
    return lower$(outputname$)
end sub

sub PopulateFontList()
    local fontname$, fontlist$
    fontlist$=path$ + "/fonts.txt"
    open fontlist$ for reading as #1
    while (not(EOF(1)))
        line input #1 fontname$
        if fontname$ <> "" listbox add "FontList", fontname$
    close #1
end sub
(07-13-2015, 02:51 AM)clasqm Wrote: [ -> ]The thought struck me ... an OS called Haiku should be able to ... write a haiku.

So I slapped together a CLI utility along the lines of fortune.

It's been up on my repo for a while now. I forgot that I had promised to report back on this one. It's still not entirely done in terms of data entry, but you can see the structure of the code:

############# Prologue #############

//*****Global Variables****

counter =1

######Preliminary Commands#####
if peek("argument") <> 0 givehelp()
if peek$("refsreceived") <> "" givehelp()
if peek("argument") <> 0 then

whichstruct = RandInt0To9()
switch whichstruct
    case 0
    case 1
    case 2
    case 3
    case 4
    case 5
    case 6
    case 7
    case 8
    case 9
end switch

sub getdata$()
    local a$, z$(1), counter, tempval
        counter =1
            read a$: if a$ = "_endofdata_" break
            z$(counter) = a$
            counter = counter +1
            dim z$(counter)
        counter = arraysize(z$(),1)
        counter = tempval * counter: counter = int(counter)
        if counter = 0 counter = 1
        a$ = z$(counter): return a$
end sub

sub givehelp()
    ProgramName$ = "makehaiku"
    AuthorName$ = "Michel Clasquin-Johnson <clasqm@gmail.com>"
    ProgramVersion$ = "v0.1"
    ProgramLicense$ = "Public Domain Software"
    ProgramBriefDescription$ = "A haiku generator for Haiku OS"
    ProgramHelpText$ = "DailyHaiku will generate haiku poems according to a randomly-selected syllable\npattern. The generated haiku is printed to standard output, which is\nGeekish for the Terminal, but it can be piped to other programs. Try putting the\nfollowing command in /boot/home/config/settings/boot/UserBootscript:\n\n alert \"`makehaiku`\""
    ProgramLicense$ = "Public Domain Software"
    print ProgramName$ + "    " + ProgramVersion$
    print "by " + AuthorName$
    print ProgramBriefDescription$
    print ProgramHelpText$
    print ProgramLicense$
end sub

sub RandInt()
    //returns a random integer between 0 and 32767
    a = val(system$("echo $RANDOM"))
    return a
end sub

sub RandInt0To9()
    //returns a random integer between 0 and 9, inclusive
    a=val(mid$(time$, 8,1))
    return a
end sub

sub structure1()
    local a$, b$, c$, d$
    //Haiku structure:
    //5 A nounnoun verbverbs
    //7 adjadj nounnouns verb advadv
    //5 the nounnoun verbverbs
    //first line
    restore  twosyllablenouns
    a$ = getdata$()
    //decide A or An
    switch left$(a$, 1)
        case "a"
        case "e"
        case "i"
        case "o"
        case "u"
        a$ = "An " + a$ + " "
        a$ = "A " + a$ + " "
    end switch
    restore twosyllableverbs
    a$ = a$ + getdata$() + "\n"
    // second line
    restore twosyllableadjectives
    b$ = getdata$() + " "
    left$(b$, 1) = upper$(left$(b$, 1))
    restore twosyllablenounsplural
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore onesyllableverbsplural
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore twosyllableadverbs
    b$ = b$ + getdata$()+ "\n"
    //third line
    c$ = "The "
    restore  twosyllablenouns
    c$ = c$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore twosyllableverbs
    c$ = c$ + getdata$() + "."

    d$= a$ + b$ + c$
    print d$
end sub

sub structure2()
    //Haiku structure
    //5 nounnouns verbverbverb
    //7 All the nounnouns verbverbverb
    //5 I verb the nounnoun

    //first line
    restore  twosyllablenounsplural
    a$= getdata$() + " "
    left$(a$, 1) = upper$(left$(a$, 1))
    restore threesyllableverbsplural
    a$ = a$ + getdata$() + "\n"
    //second line
    b$ = "All the "
    restore  twosyllablenounsplural
    b$= b$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore threesyllableverbsplural
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + "\n"
    //third line
    c$ = "I "
    restore onesyllableverbsplural
    c$= c$ + getdata$() + " the "
    restore  twosyllablenouns
    c$= c$ + getdata$() + "."
    d$= a$ + b$ + c$
    print d$
end sub

sub structure3()
    local a$, b$, c$, d$
    //Haiku structure:
    //5 adj nounnouns verbverb
    //7 But do the nounnouns verbverb?
    //5 nounnouns verb advadv

    //first line
    restore onesyllableadjectives
    a$ = getdata$() + " "
    left$(a$, 1) = upper$(left$(a$, 1))
    restore twosyllablenounsplural
    a$ = a$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore twosyllableverbsplural
    a$ = a$ + getdata$() + "\n"
    //second line
    b$="But do the "
    restore twosyllablenounsplural
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore twosyllableverbsplural
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + "?\n"

    //third line
    restore twosyllablenounsplural
    c$ = getdata$() + " "
    left$(c$, 1) = upper$(left$(c$, 1))
    restore onesyllableverbsplural
    c$ = c$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore twosyllableadverbs
    c$ = c$ + getdata$() + "."

    d$= a$ + b$ + c$
    print d$
end sub

sub structure4()
    local a$, b$, c$, d$
    //Haiku structure:
    //5 No nounnoun verbverbs
    //7 We verbverbverb advadvadv
    //5 verbverb advadvadv!
    //first line
    a$="No "
    restore  twosyllablenouns
    a$ = a$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore  twosyllableverbs
    a$ = a$ + getdata$() + "\n"

    //second line
    b$="We "
    restore  threesyllableverbsplural
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore  threesyllableadverbs
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + "\n"

    //third line
    restore  twosyllableverbsplural
    c$ = c$ + getdata$() + " "
    left$(c$, 1) = upper$(left$(c$, 1))
    restore  threesyllableadverbs
    c$ = c$ + getdata$() + "!"

    d$= a$ + b$ + c$
    print d$
end sub

sub structure5()
    local a$, b$, c$, d$
    //Haiku structure:
    //5 verbverb advadvadv
    //7 adjadjadj nounnouns verbverb
    //5 nounnounnounnounnoun

    //first line
    restore twosyllableverbsplural
    a$ = a$ + getdata$() + " "
    left$(a$, 1) = upper$(left$(a$, 1))
    restore threesyllableadverbs
    a$ = a$ + getdata$() + "\n"
    //second line
    restore threesyllableadjectives
    b$=getdata$() + " "
    left$(b$, 1) = upper$(left$(b$, 1))
    restore  twosyllablenounsplural
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + " "
    restore twosyllableverbsplural
    b$ = b$ + getdata$() + "\n"

    //third line
    restore fivesyllablenouns
    c$=getdata$() + "."
    left$(c$, 1) = upper$(left$(c$, 1))

    d$= a$ + b$ + c$
    print d$
end sub

###DATA statements come here###

label twosyllablenouns
data "abbess", "octant", "flashlight", "fleabag", "fledgling", "gelatin"
data "teepee", "abbot", "olive","inchworm", "beanbag", "templar", "taboo", "gelding"
data "aery", "adult", "adman", "adieu", "acne", "account", "accord"
data "bravo", "brainstorm", "bloomer", "billfold", "beldam", "barhop", "baboon","berserk", "bighorn"
data "curler", "creole", "cogwheel", "cocoon", "coalbin", "clover", "clamshell", "cinder", "chamber", "camshaft", "caliph", "caiman", "cabal"
data "dyer", "dumbbell", "dualism", "draftee", "doughboy", "doctor", "dhoti", "demo", "decal", "deathbed", "deacon", "darling", "dabbler"
data "entree", "ennui", "engram", "emu", "emir", "emcee", "ember", "eland", "eggnog", "effect", "eddy", "easel", "eagle"
data "fastball", "fascist", "farthing", "farmyard", "farmer", "fantail", "fandom", "falcon", "fakir", "faker", "facet", "fabric", "fable"
data "gabber", "gable", "gadfly", "gaggle", "galley", "galoot", "gambit", "gangster", "garnet", "garret", "gasbag", "gasket", "gaucho"
data "habit", "hackman", "hackle", "hinge", "highland", "highball", "hickey", "herring", "heron", "hermit", "helmet", "hearsay", "headway"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "quidnunc", "quizzer", "quiche", "quetzal", "quagga", "quaestor", "quadrant"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "wryneck", "wryness", "wurzel", "writher", "wombat", "witchcraft", "wigwam", "wholism", "wencher", "wainscot", "wainwright", "waitress", "waldorf"
data "xylem", "xyster", "xmas", "xystus", "xerox", "xenon"
data "yachtsman", "yardarm", "yearner", "yenta", "yucca", "yoghurt", "yippie", "yeti", "yearbook", "yankee", "yahoo"
data "zodiac", "zendo", "zeitgeist", "zebra", "zazen"
data "_endofdata_"

label threesyllablenouns
data "abacus", "abaser", "abattoir", "octangle", "flashforward", "zucchini"
data "abalone", "zouave", "incense", "abdomen", "tsarina", "aberrants"
data "amulet", "ambulator", "agouti", "affaire", "acolyte", "acacia", "abrader"
data "bolshevik", "bluebonnet", "bloodsucker", "blockbuster", "blasphemer", "bivouac", "bachelor", "blackmailer", "beluga", "bellwether", "basement", "bacterium", "backslider"
data "clematis", "catalyst", "catapult", "certainty", "christendom", "circumflex", "clavichord", "clingstone", "cowpuncher", "cryostat", "customer", "cypriot", "czarina"
data "dynamo", "dunderhead", "duello", "draftsmanship", "doughtiness", "document", "diadem", "demigod", "decanter", "debauchee", "deaconess", "darwinist", "dakotan"
data "engine", "encampment", "enabler", "emperor", "emerald", "embezzler", "electron", "elector", "egotist", "effendi", "editor", "earthquake", "earache"
data "fetishist", "ferryboat", "felucca", "felony", "fellowman", "fellaheen", "feline", "featherweight", "featherbed", "faultfinder", "fatherland", "fatalism", "fastener"
data "gazetteer", "gemstone", "general", "genesis", "gingersnap", "gigolo", "gigaton", "gigabit", "giantess", "ghostwriter", "germantown", "gentleman", "genteelness"
data "hinderer", "homestead", "homeroom", "hologram", "hollowing", "hollander", "hoecake", "hobbyist", "hoarsening", "historian", "histamin", "hinterland", "hindquarter"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "quadruped", "quagmire", "qualifier", "quarterback", "quatrefoil", "quitrent", "quiote"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "woomera", "woolsorter", "winepress", "wickerwork", "whoreson", "whaleboat", "weregild", "weatherworm", "walkover", "wallflower", "wallower", "wanderlust", "warehouse"
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data "yodeler", "yokemate", "yugoslav"
data "zionist", "zitherist", "zoophobia", "zooplankton", "zucchetto", "zambian"
data "_endofdata_"

label fivesyllablenouns
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data "ambiguousness", "academicism", "censoriousness", "directorates", "disapprobation"
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data "absoluteness", "apocalypse", "acromegaly", "abstentionism", "abstemiousness"
data "alliteration", "california", "abomination", "discrimination", "personality"
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data "constantinople", "pennsylvania", "serendipity", "organisation", "imagination"
data "electricity", "exacerbation", "curiosity", "multiplication", "anniversary"
data "apocalypse", "appreciation", "louisiana", "communication", "acceleration"
data "everybody", "mummification", "annunciation", "illuminati", "appropriation"
data "generosity", "excoriation", "trigonometry", "globalisation", "procrastination"
data "colonisation", "felicitation", "civilisation", "abbreviation", "abracadabra"
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data "pulchritudinous", "infatuation", "afforestation", "collaboration", "patriotism"
data "awesomeness", "congratulations", "anticipation", "evacuation", "elimination"
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data "supernatural", "asphyxiation", "absenteeism", "thessalonica", "unacceptable"
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data "overcomable", "infidelity", "primogeniture", "overachiever", "absentmindedness"
data "pandemonium", "regimentation", "politician", "aphrodisiac", "expressionism"
data "animosity", "justification", "cannibalism", "renunciation", "enthusiasm"
data "disability", "positivity", "astronomica", "equivocation", "sensitivity"
data "acculturation", "ridiculousness", "metamophosis", "accompaniment", "cornucopia"
data "abachronism", "extravaganza", "baccalaureate", "hypersomnia", "Stradivarius"
data "actuality", "juxtaposition", "extrapolation", "tasmania", "arianism"
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data "intercalation", "mccarthyism", "teleportation", "gerrymandering", "elaboration"
data "behaviorist", "mercantilism", "academia", "canonisation", "americana"
data "abstemiousness", "capitalism", "hypnophobia", "miscegenation", "cordiality"
data "quadrumvirate", "haberdasheries", "xenophobia", "wyomingite", "wisconsinite"
data "_endofdata_"

label twosyllablenounsplural
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//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "quotas", "quintets", "quibblers", "quarriers", "quakers", "quahaugs", "quacksters"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
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data "zlotys", "zombis", "zephyrs", "zebus", "zealots"
data "_endofdata_"

label threesyllablenounsplural
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//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "quaverers", "quaaludes", "quandaries", "quarterdecks", "quaysides", "quickenings", "quintuplets"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
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data "xmases", "xanthomas", "xeroxes"
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data "zinnias", "zoologists", "zoophiles", "zoomorphs", "zucchinis", "ziggurats", "zeppelins"
data "_endofdata_"

label twosyllableverbs
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//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "quotes", "quitclaims", "quickens", "questions", "queries", "quarters", "quarrels"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
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data "yellows", "yodels"
data "zizzles", "zones"
data "_endofdata_"

label threesyllableverbs
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data "housecleans", "horrifies", "hornswoggles", "horsewhips", "honoureth", "honeymoons", "hitchhikes", "hedgehops", "headquarters"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "quintuples", "quadrates", "qualifies", "quantifies", "quicklimes", "quietens", "quadruples"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
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data "xeroxes"
data "_endofdata_"

label twosyllableverbsplural
data "canvas", "worship", "imply", "silkscreen", "abhor"
data "accept", "abut", "attract", "attack", "arrest", "answer", "anoint", "annoy"
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data "glisten", "glimpse", "gladden", "girdle", "gimbal", "gentle", "gather", "garner", "garden", "gamble", "gallop", "gainsay", "gaffe"

//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "quarrel", "queue", "quarter", "question", "quicken", "quiet", "quiver"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "writhe", "write", "weewee", "weary", "whinny", "whiffle", "wheedle", "whammy", "weather", "weasel", "wrestle", "wassail", "weaken"
data "yodel", "yellow"
data "zigzag"
data "_endofdata_"

label threesyllableverbsplural
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data "houseclean", "horrify", "hornswoggle", "horsewhip", "honoureth", "honeymoon", "hitchhike", "hedgehop", "headquarter"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "quadrate", "qualify", "quantify", "quickstep", "quintuple", "quieten", "quantize"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "woolgather", "wiretap", "welcome", "waterproof", "waterlog", "warrantee", "warmonger", "wallpaper", "wisecrack", "wiredraw", "whitecap"
data "_endofdata_"

label onesyllableverbsplural
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data "heat", "hear", "heap", "heal", "haw", "haul", "hath", "harp", "hang", "halt", "hail", "had", "hack"
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "wrap", "wow", "woof", "whelp", "want", "ward", "warm", "warn", "watch", "wait", "wax", "wear", "weep"
data "_endofdata_"

label onesyllableadjectives
data "blue", "odd", "worst", "few", "bent", "best","red", "brown", "black", "pink", "dead"
data "green", "dean", "blind", "deaf", "blent", "blest", "blank", "bland", "bind", "big"
data "fresh", "free", "frank", "frail", "fond", "fat", "fast", "far", "fair", "drab"
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data "worn", "full", "tart", "slim", "slick", "shy", "sent", "scrap", "torn", "real"
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data "crass", "crap", "crack", "cloth", "cheap"
data "dull", "due", "dry","dark", "dank"
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data "hit", "hep", "hip", "hind", "hick", "hex", "heard", "Hun", "ham", "half", "hot"
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//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "wry", "wrong", "worst"
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label twosyllableadjectives
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//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
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//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
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data "_endofdata_"

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//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
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data "_endofdata_"

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//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
//data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
data "wryly", "wrongly", "wanly", "weekly"
data "_endofdata_"

label threesyllableadverbs
data "tryingly", "flauntingly", "wontedly","ineptly", "inertly", "infirmly"
data "silently", "abjectly", "abruptly", "absently", "abstractly", "absurdly"
data "sinfully", "acidly", "acridly", "adeptly", "adroitly", "affably", "airily"
data "sinlessly", "alertly", "alienly", "aloofly", "angrily", "apishly", "ardently"
data "arrantly", "artfully", "astrally", "audibly", "augustly", "baldly", "balmily"
data "banally", "barely", "humidly","hungrily", "icily", "ideally", "ignobly"
data "inaptly", "nosily", "nuttily", "oafishly", "openly", "ovally", "owlishly"
data "palely", "pallidly", "paltrily", "peppily", "supplely", "sveltely", "tangibly"
data "papally", "patently", "peevishly", "superbly", "tackily", "tamely", "tardily"
data "parlously", "sulkily", "surely", "sweatily", "tacitly", "tastily", "taxably"
data "patchily", "sunnily", "swankily", "tawdrily", "tearfully", "teasingly"
data "untiringly", "uprightly", "upwardly", "urbanely", "urgently", "usefully", "utterly"
data "venally", "variedly", "vapidly", "validly", "vaguely", "vagrantly", "vacantly"
data "venially","verdantly", "verbally", "ventrally"
data "airlessly", "aimlessly", "aimfully", "aguishly", "aerily", "adjunctly", "achingly", "anciently", "armlessly", "artlessly", "aurally", "avidly", "awfully", "awkwardly"
data "blatantly", "blamably", "bitterly", "bitingly", "beefily", "bearably", "beadily", "backwardly", "bawdily", "bashfully", "basely", "basally", "barrenly", "balkily", "baggily"
data "cordlessly", "compactly", "chidingly", "cheesily", "cheerfully", "cheekily", "centrally", "chastely", "charily", "chancily", "certainly", "cagily", "caddishly"
data "deathlessly", "dazedly", "daringly", "dapperer", "damnably", "daintily"
data "expressly", "expertly", "exactly", "evenly", "erringly", "erectly", "equally", "elfishly", "elderly", "eerily", "eastwardly", "easily"
data "fiendishly", "feudally", "fervidly", "fervently", "fecklessly", "feasibly", "fawningly", "fatherly", "fatally", "famously", "falsely", "fallibly", "fadedly"
data "gloomily", "gleefully", "glancingly", "giftedly", "giddily", "gawkily", "gauzily", "gaudily", "gauchely", "garishly", "gamely", "gallantly", "gainfully"
data "handily", "haplessly", "happily", "hardily", "hardly", "hastily", "haughtily", "hazily", "helplessly", "huffily", "hornily", "heedlessly", "heavily"
data "quotably", "quirkily", "quietly", "qualmishly", "quakingly", "quackishly", "quakily"
data "watchfully", "waspishly", "waspily", "warily", "wantonly", "wailfully"
data "wackily", "waterily", "wavily", "waxily", "waywardly", "wearily"
data "weaselly", "weedily", "weevilly", "weightily", "weightlessly"
data "westerly", "westwardly", "wheezily", "whiningly", "wickedly", "widely"
data "wilfully", "willfully", "willingly", "windily", "wingedly"
data "winningly", "winterly", "wintrily", "wirily", "wisely", "wishfully"
data "wispily", "wistfully", "witlessly", "wittily", "wittingly", "wizardly"
data "woefully", "wondrously", "woodenly", "wooingly", "woozily", "wordily"
data "wordlessly", "worriedly", "worthily", "worthlessly", "woundingly"
data "wrongfully", "writhingly", "wretchedly", "wrathfully"
data "youthfully", "yeomanly", "yellowly", "yeastily", "yearningly"
data "zonally", "zestfully", "zealously", "zanily"
data "_endofdata_"
(07-08-2016, 08:24 AM)clasqm Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty happy with this. Needs my libclasqm libraries package.

About FontMonkey

I had to solve a few problems writing this deceptively simple app. This is my first serious app that is completely useless without an internet connection. It also requires that my repo has been loaded. You can see how I approached this in the subroutine CheckConnection.

If anyone has suggestions how else these could be done (without so many SYSTEM calls!) please let me have your ideas.
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