I have not been able to get tabview working as it should. I guess my c++ and understanding of the tabview code in Haiku isn't good enough.
As a work-around, I have am making a tabview in yab as a library. I have tested it in your code as a replacement for yabs built-in tabview and it seems to be working.
So far the only option is top, and the library needs to be reformatted to remove all my troubleshooting stuff, but it works!
As a work-around, I have am making a tabview in yab as a library. I have tested it in your code as a replacement for yabs built-in tabview and it seems to be working.
screenWidth = peek("desktopwidth")
screenHeight = peek("desktopheight")
import yabtab
window open screenWidth/2-200, screenHeight/2-200 to screenWidth/2+200, screenHeight/2+200, "MainWindow", "Test"
VIEW 0,0 TO 400,320, "BackgroundView","MainWindow"
x=yabtab( 5,2 , 395,300,"Test","top","BackgroundView")
//TABVIEW 5,2 TO 395,300, "Test", "top", "BackgroundView"
view$=tabadd$("Test", "Tab1")
//TABVIEW ADD "Test", "Tab1"
BUTTON 5,5 TO 105,25, "BT:Hui", "Hui",view$
view1$=tabadd$("Test", "Tab2")
//TABVIEW ADD "Test", "Tab2"
BUTTON 5,350 TO 100,375, "BT:Remove", "Remove", "MainWindow"
BUTTON 105,350 TO 200,375, "BT:Add", "Add", "MainWindow"
dim part$(1)
inloop = true
msg$ = message$
if (split(msg$, part$(), ":|") > 2) then
PartTwo$ = part$(2)
PartThree$ = part$(3)
if (split(msg$, part$(), ":|") > 3) then
PartFour$ = part$(4)
if (msg$ <> "") print msg$
switch msg$
case "BT:Add|"
//VIEW 0,0 TO 400,320, "BackgroundView","MainWindow"
x=yabtab( 5,2 , 395,300,"Test","top","BackgroundView")
//TABVIEW 5,2 TO 395,300, "Test", "top", "BackgroundView"
view$=tabadd$("Test", "Tab1")
//TABVIEW ADD "Test", "Tab1"
BUTTON 5,5 TO 105,25, "BT:Hui", "Hui",view$
view1$=tabadd$("Test", "Tab2")
//TABVIEW ADD "Test", "Tab2"
case "BT:Remove|"
//VIEW REMOVE "BackgroundView"
if VIEW GET "containerTest","exists" yabtabremove("Test")
case "MainWindow:_QuitRequested|"
end switch
if VIEW GET "containerTest","exists" checktabclick()
if(window count<1) inloop = false
sleep 0.1
So far the only option is top, and the library needs to be reformatted to remove all my troubleshooting stuff, but it works!